Carlos L. Ballaré

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  • Ingeniero Agrónomo, Orientación Fitotecnia, 1984. Facultad de Agronomía – Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Magister Scientiae en Producción Vegetal, 1989. Facultad de Agronomía – Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Doctor of Philosophy, 1992. Oregon State University, U.S.A.

Premios y distinciones

  • “Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires” (1984), premio otorgado por la Fundación Facultad de Agronomía.
  • “Vilfrid Baron” (bienio 1984-5), premio otorgado por la Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria, Argentina.
  • “Bernardo Houssay” (1987), premio otorgado por el Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.
  • “Cristóbal Hicken” (1994), premio otorgado por la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Argentina.
  • “Eduardo P. D. De Robertis” (1994), premio otorgado por la Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología (SECyT), Argentina.
  • “Premio Nacional al Mérito Agropecuario” (1999), otorgado por el diario La Opinión de Rafaela.* “Líderes Latinoamericanos para el Nuevo Milenio” (1999), cadena CNN y la revista TIMEUSA.* “Guggenheim Fellow” (2001) J. S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, NY, USA.
  • “Líderes Latinoamericanos para el Nuevo Milenio” (1999), cadena CNN y la revista TIMEUSA.
  • “Guggenheim Fellow” (2001) J. S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, NY, USA.


  • Investigador Principal (CONICETIFEVA).
  • Profesor Asociado (Facultad de Agronomía-UBA).
  • Miembro del “Environmental Effects Panel”, United Nations Environment Programme. Naciones Unidas.
  • Editor, Oecologia (Springer), Plant Signaling and Behavior (Landes Biosciences).
  • Cargos anteriores: Miembro, Comisión asesora (Gran Área Cs. Biolícas y de la Salud, CONICET) 2000-2002; Monitoring Editor, Plant Physiology (ASPP, Rockville, MD, USA), 2000-2005.

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Ecofisiologia.
  • Fotobiologia en plantas.

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Fotobiología: radiación ultravioleta-B y respuestas de las plantas terrestres
  • Interacción planta-insecto. Bases moleculares e implicancias ecológicas y productivas(director)

Formación de recursos humanos

Miembros del laboratorio

  • Estudiantes graduados y post-docs (PD) con progrmas finalizados: Fernando Caccia, Cecilia Rousseaux (PD), Carlos Mazza, Carla Giordano, Miriam Izaguirre, Carla Caputo (PD), Silvia DeSimone (PD).
  • Estudiantes graduados co-supervisados con progrmas finalizados: Jprge Zavala, Verónica Pancotto.
  • Tesis doctorales en curso: Javier Moreno, Patricia Demkura, Mercedes Keller.

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Caldwell, M. M., J. F. Bornman, C.L. Ballaré, S. D. Flint, G. Kulandaivelu (2007) Terrestrial ecosystems, increased solar ultraviolet radiation and interactions with other climatic change factors. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 6: 252-266.
  • Izaguirre MM, Mazza A, Svatos A, Baldwin IT, Ballaré CL (2007) Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and insect herbivory trigger partially overlapping phenolic responses in Nicotiana attenuata and Nicotiana longiflora, Annals of Botany, 99: 103-109.
  • Andrady A; Aucamp PJ; Bais AF; Ballaré CL; Bjorn LI; Bornman JF; Caldwell MM; Cullen AP; Erickson DJ; De Gruijl FF; Häder DP; Ilyas M; Kulandaivelu G; Kumar HD; Longstreth J; McKenzie RL; Norval M; Redhwi HH; Smith RC; Solomon KR; Sulzberger B; Takizawa Y; Tang X; Teramura AH; Torikai A; van der Leun JC; Wilson SR; Worrest RC; Zepp RG. (2006). Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report 2005. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 5:13-24.
  • Caputo C; Rutitzky M; Ballaré CL. (2006). Solar ultraviolet-B radiation alters the attractiveness of Arabidopsis plants to diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella L.): impacts on oviposition and involvement of the jasmonic acid pathway. Oecologia: 149:81-90.
  • Izaguirre MM; Mazza CA; Biondini M; Baldwin IT; Ballaré CL. (2006). Remote sensing of future competitors: impacts on plant defenses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103:7170-7174.
  • Andrady, A; Aucamp, PJ; Bais, AF; Ballaré, CL; Bjorn, LI; Bornman, JF; Caldwell, MM; Callaghan, T; Cullen, AP; Erickson, DJ; De Gruijl, FF; Hader, DP; Ilyas, M; Kulandaivelu, G; Kumar, HD; Longstreth, J; McKEnzie, RL; Norval, M; Redhwi, HH; Smith, RC; Solomon, KR; Sulzberger, B; Takizawa, Y; Tang, X; Teramura, AH; Torikai, A; van der Leun, JC; Wilson, SR; Worrest, RC; Zepp, RG. (2005). Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report 2004. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 22: 177-184.
  • Giordano CV, Galatro A., Puntarulo S., Ballaré CL (2004). The inhibitory effects of UV-B radiation (280-315 nm) on Gunnera magellanica growth correlate with increased DNAdamage but not with oxidative damage to lipids, Plant Cell & Environment, 27: 1415-1423.
  • Robson TM, Pancotto VA, Ballaré CL, Sala OE, Scopel AL, Caldwell MM (2004). Reduction of solar UV-B mediates changes in the Sphagnum capitulum microenvironment and the peatland microfungal community, Oecologia, 140: 480-490.
  • Rousseaux MC, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Searles PS, Scopel AL, Aphalo PJ, Ballaré CL (2004). Solar UV-B radiation affects leaf quality and insect herbivory in the southern beech tree Nothofagus antarctica, Oecologia, 138: 505-512.
  • Ballaré CL (2004). Competition: Responses to shade by neighbors. In R. M. Goodman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY. Pp. 300-303.
  • United Nations Environment Programme, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (Andrady A,…. Ballaré CL,.. et al.) (2004). Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report 2003. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 3:1-5.
  • Robson TM, Pancotto VA, Flint SD, Ballaré CL, Sala OE, Scopel AL, Caldwell MM (2003). Six years of solar UV-B manipulations affect growth of Sphagnum and vascular plants in a Tierra del Fuego peatland, New Phytologist, 160: 379-389.
  • Giordano CV, Mori T, Sala OE, Scopel AL, Caldwell MM, Ballaré CL (2003). Functional acclimation to solar UV-B radiation in Gunnera magellanica, a native plant species of southernmost Patagonia, Plant Cell & Environment, 26: 2027-2036.
  • Ballaré CL (2003). Stress under the sun. Spotlight on ultraviolet-B responses Plant Physiology 132: 1725-1727.
  • M.M. Izaguirre, A.L. Scopel, I.T. Baldwin, and C.L. Ballaré. (2003). Convergent Responses to Stress.Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation and Manduca sexta Herbivory Elicit Overlapping Transcriptional Responses in Field-Grown Plants of Nicotiana longiflora. Plant Physiology, 132: 1755-1767.
  • Caldwell, M.M., Ballaré, C.L., Flint, S.D., Björn, L.O., Teramura, A.H., Kulandaivelu, G., Tevini, M. (2003). Terrestrial ecosystems, increased solar ultravioelet radiation and interactions with other climatic change factors. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2: 29-38.
  • Pancotto, V.A., Sala, O.E., Cabello, M., López, N.I., Robson, T.M., Ballaré, C.L., Caldwell, M.M., Scopel, A.L. (2003). Solar UV-B decreases decomposition in herbaceous plant litter in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: Potential role of an altered decomposer community. Global Change Biology, 9: 1465-1474.
  • Scopel AL, Ballaré CL, Sáncez RA (2002). Awakened by a flash of sunlight. Essay for Web Supplement to Plant Physiology, (L Taiz & E Zeiger, Eds.,
  • Ballaré CL, Scopel AL, Casal JJ, Sánchez RA (2002). Know thy neighbors through phytochrome. Essay for Web Supplement to Plant Physiology, (L Taiz & E Zeiger, Eds.,
  • Zaller JG, Searles PS, Rousseaux MC, Flint SD, Caldwell MM, Sala OE, Ballaré CL, Scopel AL (2002). Solar ultraviolet-B radiation can affect slug feeding preference for some plant species native to a fen ecosystem in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Plant Ecology, 169: 43-51.
  • Zaller, J.G., Caldwell, M.M., Flint, S.D., Scopel, A.L., Sala, O.E., Ballaré, C.L. (2002). Solar UV-B radiation affects belowground processes in a fen ecosytem in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: implications of stratospheric ozone depletion. Global Change Biology, 8: 867-871.
  • Searles, P.S., Flint, S.D., Díaz, S.B., Rousseaux, M.C., Ballaré, C.L., Caldwell, M.M. (2002). Plant response to solar ultraviolet-B radiation in a southern South America Sphagnum peatland. Journal of Ecology, 90: 704-713.
  • Mazza, C.A., Izaguirre, M.M., Zavala, J., Scopel, A.L., Ballaré, C.L. (2002). Insect perception of ambient ultraviolet-B radiation. Ecology Letters, 5: 722-726.
  • Ballaré, C.L. (2002). Bifunctional promoter mediates suppressing effect of pathogen infection on UV-induced responses. Trends in Plant Science, 7: 241-242.

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