Enrique J. Chaneton

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  • Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas, 1986, Universidad CAECE, Buenos Aires
  • Magister Scientiae, 1995, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Doctor of Philosophy, 1998, Imperial College London, Reino Unido


  • Profesor Asociado, dedicación exclusiva. Facultad de Agronomía, UBA
  • Investigador Principal. CONICET
  • Coordinador Programa de Doctorado. Escuela para Graduados, FAUBA

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Herbivoría, interacciones indirectas y redes tróficas
  • Controles y consecuencias de las invasiones biológicas
  • Biodiversidad y funcionamiento de ecosistemas

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Biodiversidad (director)
  • Fundamentos y recientes avances en ecología
  • Ecología de la relación planta-herbívoro

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Cantidad total de tesis doctorales o de maestrías dirigidas: 11
  • Cantidad de tesis doctorales o de maestrías que dirige actualmente: 2

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Caccia, F., Kitzberger, T. y Chaneton, E.J. (2015) Episodic bamboo die-off, neighbourhood interactions, and tree seedling performance in a Patagonian mixed forest. Journal of Ecology 103: 231-242
  • Tognetti, P.M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2015) Community disassembly and invasion of remnant native grasslands under fluctuating resource supply. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 119-128
  • Chaneton, E.J., Mazía, N., Garibaldi, L.A., Chaij, J. y Kitzberger, T. (2014) Impact of volcanic ash deposition on foliar productivity and insect herbivory in northern Patagonia deciduous forests. Ecología Austral 24: 51-63
  • Lezama, F., Baeza, S., Altesor, A., Cesa, A., Chaneton, E.J. y Paruelo, J.M. (2014) Variation in grazing-induced vegetation changes across a large-scale productivity gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 8-21
  • Spirito, M.F., Yahdjian, L., Tognetti, P.M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2014) Soil ecosystem function under native and exotic plant assemblages as alternative states of successional grasslands. Acta Oecologica 54: 4-12
  • Longo, G., Seidler, T.G., Garibaldi, L.A., Tognetti, P.M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2013) Functional group dominance and identity effects influence the magnitude of grassland invasion. Journal of Ecology 101: 1114-1124
  • Poggio, S.L., Chaneton, E.J. y Ghersa, C.M. (2013) The arable plant diversity of intensively managed farmland: effects of field position and crop type at local and landscape scales. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 166: 55-64
  • Tognetti, P.M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2012) Invasive exotic grasses and seed arrival limit native species establishment in an old-field grassland succession. Biological Invasions 14: 2531-2544
  • Anderson, C.B., Celis-Diez, J.L., Bond, B.J., Martínez Pastur, G., Little, C., Armesto, J.J., Ghersa, C.M., Austin, A.T., Schlichter, T., Lara, A., Carmona, M., Chaneton, E.J., Gutierrez, J., Rozzi, R., Vanderbilt, K., Oyarce, G. y Fernández, R.J. (2012) Progress in creating a joint research agenda that allows networked long-term socio-ecological research in southern South America. Austral Ecology 37: 529-536
  • Mazía, C.N., Chaneton, E.J., Dellacanónica, C., Dipaolo, L. y Kitzberger, T. (2012) Seasonal patterns of herbivory, leaf traits, and productivity consumption in dry and wet Patagonian forests. Ecological Entomology 37: 193-203
  • Busch, M., Knight, C., Mazía, C.N., Hodara, K., Muschetto, E. y Chaneton, E.J. (2012) Rodent seed predation on tree invader species in grassland habitats of the Inland Pampa. Ecological Research 27: 369-376
  • Rolhauser, A., Chaneton, E.J. y Batista, W.B. (2011) Influence of conspecific and heterospecific adults on riparian tree species establishment during encroachment of a humid palm savanna. Oecologia 167: 141-148
  • Garibaldi, L.A., Kitzberger, T. y Chaneton, E.J. (2011) Environmental and genetic control of insect abundande and herbivory along a forest elevational gradient. Oecologia 167: 117-129
  • Miranda, M.I., Omacini, M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2011) Environmental context of endophyte symbioses: interacting effects of water stress and insect herbivory. International J. Plant Sciences 172: 499-508
  • Uchitel, A., Omacini, M. y Chaneton, E.J. (2011) Inherited fungal symbionts enhance establishment of an invasive annual grass across successional habitats. Oecologia 165: 465-475
  • Poggio, S.L., Chaneton, E.J. y Ghersa, C.M. (2010) Landscape complexity differentially affects alpha, beta, and gamma diversity of plants occurring in fencerows and crop fields. Biological Conservation 143: 2477–2486
  • Tognetti, P.M., Chaneton, E.J., Omacini, M., Trebino, H.J. y León, R.J.C. (2010) Exotic vs. native plant dominance over 20 years of old-field succession on set-aside farmland in Argentina. Biological Conservation 143: 2494–2503
  • Mazía, C.N., Chaneton, E.J., Machera, M., Uchitel, A., Feler, M.V. y Ghersa, C.M. (2010) Antagonistic effects of large- and small-scale disturbances on exotic tree invasion in a native tussock grassland relict. Biological Invasions 12: 3109-3122
  • Garibaldi, L.A., Mazía, C.N., Kitzberger, T. y Chaneton, E.J. (2010) Nutrient supply and bird predation additively control insect herbivory and tree growth in two contrasting forest habitats. Oikos 119: 337-349
  • Chaneton, E.J., Mazía, C.N. y Kitzberger, T. (2010) Facilitation vs. apparent competition: insect herbivory alters tree seedling recruitment under nurse shrubs in a steppe-woodland ecotone. Journal of Ecology 98: 488-497
  • Próximas defensas

    • 16/10/2024

      28/10 Defensa de tesis Martín Luis Garcia Perez

    • 14/10/2024

      24/10 Defensa de tesis Esteban Javier Jurcic

    • 27/09/2024

      22/10 Defensa de tesis Pedro Pellegrini

    • 24/09/2024

      17/10 Defensa de tesis Gustavo Daniel De Greef

    • 23/09/2024

      16/10 Defensa Matias Nahuel Urdampilleta

  • Cursos en breve

    • 25/09/2024

      Curso de Agrostología

    • 23/09/2024

      Control biológico: principios generales y aplicación de biofungicidas en agricultura

    • 23/09/2024

      Metodología Estadística – Módulo 3: Regresión lineal

    • 12/09/2024

      Morfología y clasificación de suelos

    • 12/09/2024

      Introducción a la Geoestadística

©2018-2020 Escuela para Graduados "Ing. Agr. Alberto Soriano". Facultad de Agronomía (UBA). Av. San Martín 4453, (C1417DSE)Bs. Aires, Argentina. Tel.: (+54)-11-5287-0174 / epg@agro.uba.ar / Redes sociales: @epg_fauba
