Fernando Bargo

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  • 1998 a 2002: PhD Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, EEUU.
  • 1996 a 1997: MS Producción Animal, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • 1991 a 1995: Ing. Agr. (Diploma de Honor), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Premios y distinciones

  • 2003 Alltech, Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, ADSA, June 2003.
  • 3th Place in the Production División Graduate Student Paper Presentation Contest in Dairy Production. 2000 ADSA National Meeting, Baltimore.
  • 2nd Place in the Production División Graduate Student Paper Presentation Contest in Dairy Production. 2001 NE ADSA Meeting, State College.
  • Joven Profesional Revelación. 2001. Mercoláctea, San Francisco, Córdoba, Argentina. Premio esponsoreado por el diario “La Nación”.


  • Diciembre 2003 a la fecha: Consultor de Elanco Animal Health Argentina, Alimental S.A. y Comisión de Lechería AACREA. Asesor privado en manejo y nutrición de tambos y engordes. Profesor Adjunto Cátedra de Producción Lechera y Coordinador de la Especialización en Producción Lechera, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA.
  • Septiembre 2003 a Diciembre 2003: Investigador Invitado. Department of Dairy and Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
  • Junio 2002 a Agosto 2003: Nutricionista, Dairy Nutrition Services, Inc. Chandler, AZ, USA.
  • Junio 1998 a Mayo 2002: Asistente Graduado en Investigación. Department of Dairy and Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
  • 1997 a 1998: Asesor privado en manejo y nutrición de tambos. Establecimientos “El Payé”, Chivilcoy, Pcia. de Bs. As. (administrador Federico Lyford-Pike) y “La Luminaria” Cañuelas, Pcia. de Bs. As. (dueña Inés Davedere).
  • Marzo 1996 a Octubre 1997: Ayudante Cátedra de Lechería. Departamento de Producción Animal, INTA Balcarce, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • 1992 a 1995: Ayudante. Cátedra de Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 1992/1993/1994: Pasante. “La María Pilar” Estancias, Catriló, La Pampa, Argentina.
  • Revisor del J. Anim. Sci. (E2003-093) y J. Dairy Sci. (JDS-04-0056, JDS-04-0091, JDS-05-0200).
  • Jurado II Congreso Nacional de Forrajes Conservados 2005. Mercolactea 2005. San Francisco, Córdoba.

Áreas de interés profesional

  • Producción animal.
  • Manejo y nutrición de tambos y engordes.

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Cantidad total de tesis doctorales o de maestrías dirigidas: 1
  • Cantidad de tesis doctorales o de maestrías que dirige actualmente: 4

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

En revistas con revisión de pares

  • Bargo, F., Delahoy, J. E., Schroeder, G. F., Muller, L. D. 2005 Milk fatty acid composition of dairy cows grazing at two pasture allowances and supplemented with different levels and sources of concentrate. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. (accepted for publication, in press).
  • Schroeder, G. F., J. J. Couderc, F. Bargo, and D. H. Rearte. 2005. Milk production and fatty acid profile of milk fat by dairy cows fed a winter oats (_Avena sativa_ L.) pasture-only or a total mixed rations. N. Z. J. Agric. Res. 48: 187-195.
  • Gallardo, M. R., A. R. Castillo, F. Bargo, A. A. Abdala, M. G. Maciel, H. Perez Monti, H. C. Castro, and M. E. Castelli. 2005. Monensin for lactating dairy cows grazing mixed-alfalfa pasture and supplemented with partial mixed ration. J. Dairy Sci. 88:644-652.
  • Bargo, F., and L. D. Muller. 2005. Grazing behavior affects daily ruminal pH and NH3 oscillations of dairy cows on pasture. J. Dairy Sci.: 88:303-309.
  • Vallimont, J. E., F. Bargo, T. W. Cassidy, N. D. Luchini, G. A. Broderick, and G. A. Varga. 2004. Effects of replacing dietary starch with sucrose on ruminal fermentation and nitrogen metabolism in continuous culture J. Dairy Sci.: 87:4221-4229.
  • Tozer, P. R., F. Bargo, and L. D. Muller. 2004. The effect of pasture allowance, supplementation, and rotation type on the profitability and feed efficiency of dairy systems. J. Dairy Sci.: 87:2902-2911.
  • Bargo, F., J. E. Delahoy, and L. D. Muller. 2004. Milk production of dairy cows fed total mixed rations in confinement after a grazing period. The Professional Animal Scientist. 20:270-277.
  • Schroeder, G. F., J. E. Delahoy, I. Vidaurreta, F. Bargo, G. A. Gagliostro, and L. D. Muller. 2003. Milk fatty acid composition of dairy cows fed a total mixed ration or pasture plus concentrates replacing corn with fat. J. Dairy Sci. 86:3237-3248.
  • Bargo, F., G. A. Varga, L. D. Muller, and E. S. Kolver. 2003. Pasture intake and substitution rate effects on nutrient digestion and nitrogen metabolism during continuous culture fermentation. J. Dairy Sci. 86:1330-1340.
  • Bargo, F., L. D. Muller, and N. S. Altman. 2003. Milk response to bovine somatotropin of high producing dairy cows with three different feeding systems combining pasture and total mixed rations. The Professional Animal Scientist. 19:10-18.
  • Delahoy, J. E., L. D. Muller, F. Bargo, T. W. Cassidy, and L. A. Holden. 2003. Supplemental carbohydrates sources for lactating dairy cows on pasture. J. Dairy Sci. 86:808-818.
  • Tozer, P. R., F. Bargo, and L. D. Muller. 2003. Economic analysis of feeding systems combining pasture, total mixed ration, and concentrates. J. Dairy Sci. 86:906-915.
  • Bargo, F., L. D. Muller, G. A. Varga, J. E. Delahoy, and T. W. Cassidy. 2002c. Ruminal digestion and fermentation in high producing dairy cows with three different feeding systems combining pasture and total mixed rations. J. Dairy Sci. 85:2964-2973.
  • Bargo, F., L. D. Muller, J. E. Delahoy, and T. W. Cassidy. 2002b. Performance of high producing dairy cows with three different feeding systems combining pasture and total mixed rations. J. Dairy Sci. 85:2948-2963.
  • Bargo, F., L. D. Muller, J. E. Delahoy, and T. W. Cassidy. 2002a. Milk response to concentrate supplementation of high producing dairy cows grazing at two pasture allowances. Journal of Dairy Science. 85:1777-1792.
  • Bargo, F., D. H. Rearte, F. J. Santini, and L. D. Muller. 2001 Ruminal digestion by dairy cows grazing winter oats pasture supplemented with different levels and sources of protein. Journal of Dairy Science. 84:2260-2272.

Revisiones por invitaciones o en revistas con revisión de pares

  • Schroeder, G. F., G. A. Gagliostro, L. D. Muller, F. Bargo, and J. E. Delahoy. 2004. Fat supplementation on milk production and composition by dairy cows on pasture: a review. Livest. Prod. Sci. 86:1-18.
  • Bargo, F., L. D. Muller, J. E. Delahoy, and E. S. Kolver. 2003. Invited review: Production and digestion of supplemented dairy cows on pasture. J. Dairy Sci. 86:1-42.

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