Gustavo Striker
Enviar un email a Gustavo Striker
- Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
- Ingeniero Agrónomo. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos
Aires, 2001.
Cargos (actuales)
- Profesor Asociado (interino), Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, FAUBA
- Investigador Independiente, IFEVA-CONICET
- Director de la Escuela para Graduados FAUBA
Áreas de interés en investigación
- Ecofisiología de especies de interés agrícola (forrajeras y cultivos)
frente a anegamiento y sumersión.
- Fisiología de las raíces bajo estrés por hipoxia.
Cursos dictados en la EPG
- Fisiología de las plantas forrajeras.
Formación de recursos humanos
Dirección de tesistas de postgrado
- Tesis doctorales finalizadas: 2 director, y 5 consejero
- Tesis doctorales en marcha: 1 director y 2 codirector
- Tesis de maestría finalizadas: 1 director
Publicaciones (últimos 5 años, 2018-2022)
- Mollard FPO, Di Bella CE, Loguzzo MB, Grimoldi AA, Striker GG. 2022. “High recovery from either waterlogging or drought overrides any beneficial acclimation of Chloris gayana facing a subsequent round of stress”, Plants doi: 10.3390/plants11202699
- Di Bella CE, Grimoldi AA, Striker GG. 2022. “A quantitative review of the waterlogging tolerance of perennial forage grasses”, Crop and Pasture Science 73: 1200-1212
- Ploschuk RA, Miralles DJ, Striker GG. 2022. “A quantitative review
of soybean responses to waterlogging: agronomical, morpho-physiological and anatomical traits of tolerance”, Plant and Soil 475: 237-252
- De San Celedonio, LG Abeledo, Striker GG, Miralles DJ. 2022. “Nitrogen accumulation and remobilization in wheat and barley plants exposed to waterlogging at different developmental stages”, Crop and Pasture Science 73: 615-626
- Ploschuk RA, Miralles DJ, Striker GG. 2021. “Early- and late- waterlogging differentially affect the yield of wheat, barley, oilseed rape and field pea through changes in leaf area index, radiation interception and radiation use efficiency”, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 207: 504-520
- Ciancio N, Miralles DJ, Striker GG, Abeledo LG. 2021. “Plant growth rate after, and not during, waterlogging better correlates to yield responses in wheat and barley”. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 207: 304-316
- Menón Martínez FE, Grimoldi AA, Striker GG, Di Bella CE. 2021. “Variability in tolerance and recovery from waterlogging, salinity, and their combination among Festuca arundinacea cultivars”. Crop and Pasture Science 72: 75-84
- Loreti E, Striker GG. 2020. “Plant responses to hypoxia: signaling and adaptation” Plants 9: 1704
- Di Bella CE, Kotula L, Striker GG, Colmer TD. 2020. “Submergence tolerance and recovery in Lotus: Variation among fifteen accessions in response to partial and complete submergence”. Journal of Plant Physiology 249: Article 153180
- Buraschi FB, Mollard FPO, Grimoldi AA, Striker GG. 2020. “Eco-physiological traits related to recovery from complete submergence in the model legume Lotus japonicus”. Plants 9, 538; doi:10.3390/plants9040538
- Kidd DR, Di Bella CE, Kotula L, Colmer TD, Ryan MH, Striker GG. 2020. “Defining the waterlogging tolerance of Ornithopus spp. for the temperate pasture zone of southern Australia”. Crop and Pasture Science 71: 506-516
- Iturralde Elortegui MRM, Berone GD, Striker GG, Martinefsky MJ, Monterubbianesi G, Assuero SG. 2020 “Anatomical, morphological and growth responses of Thinopyrum ponticum plants subjected to partial and complete submergence during early stages of development”. Functional Plant Biology 47: 757-768
- Echeverry Holguín J, Crepy M, Striker GG, Mollard FPO. 2020 “Dormancy breakage and germination are tightly controlled by hypoxic submergence-water on Echinochloa crus-galli seeds from an accession resistant to anaerobic germination” Seed Science Research 30: 262-267
- Ploschuk RA, Miralles DJ, Colmer TD, Striker GG. 2020. “Waterlogging differentially affects yield and components in wheat, barley, rapeseed and field pea depending on the timing of occurrence”. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206: 363-375
- Manzur ME, Grimoldi AA, Striker GG. 2020. “The forage grass Paspalum dilatatum tolerates partial but not complete submergence either caused by deep water or repeated defoliation”. Crop and Pasture Science 71: 190-198
- Peralta Ogorek, LL, Striker GG, Mollard FPO. 2019. “Echinochloa crus-galli seed physiological dormancy and germination responses to hypoxic floodwaters”, Plant Biology 21:1159–1166
- Striker GG, Kotula L, Colmer TD. 2019. “Tolerance to partial and complete submergence in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: an evaluation of fifteen accessions for petiole hyponastic response and gas-filled spaces, leaf hydrophobicity and gas films, and root phellem”, Annals of Botany 123: 169-180
- Ribotta AN, López Colomba E, Bollati GP, Striker GG, Carloni EJ, Griffa SM, Quiroga MP, Tommasino EA, Grunberg KA. 2018. Agronomic and molecular characterization of Chloris gayana cultivars and salinity response during germination and early vegetative growth. Tropical Grasslands 7:14–24
- Ploschuk RA, Miralles DJ, Colmer TD, Ploschuk EL, Striker GG. 2018. “Waterlogging of winter crops at early and late stages: impacts on leaf physiology, growth and yield”, Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1863 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01863
- Striker GG, Ploschuk RA. 2018. “Recovery from short-term complete submergence in temperate pasture grasses”, Crop and Pasture Science 69: 745-753