Jorge José Casal

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  • Ingeniero Agronomo, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1978.
  • Magister Scientiae, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1982.
  • PhD, Universidad de Leicester, Inglaterra, 1989.


  • Profesor Titular, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Investigador Superior del CONICET

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Percepción y redes de señalización de las claves provistas por el
    ambiente luminoso y térmico en plantas
  • Señales de luz y temperatura en cultivos agrícolas y pasturas,
    implicancias productivas.

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Control del crecimiento y el desarrollo de las plantas (director).

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Tesis doctorales dirigidas finalizadas: Marcelo J. Yanovsky, Maria
    Agustina Mazzella, Karina A. Oliverio, Hernán Boccalandro, Julieta
    Mateos, Laura Luccioni, Santiago Trupkin, Romina Sellaro, Elizabeth
    Karayekov, María A. Crepy, Juan Ignacio Cagnola, Martín
    Krzymuski, María José Rodriguez Battiler, , Manuel Pacín, Martina
    Legris, Ornella Pucciarello, Cecilia Costigliolo, Sofía Romeo
  • Tesis doctorales co-dirigidas finalizadas: Pablo D. Cerdán, Gustavo A.
    Maddonni, Hernán Ghiglione, M. López Pereira
  • Tesis doctorales en marcha: Mariana Semmoloni, Ezequiel Pereyra,
    Antonela Belmonte..

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Storani, L., Hernando, C.E., Staneloni, R.J., Ploschuk, E., Rugnone,
    M.L., Striker, G.G., Casal, J.J., Chernomoretz, A., Yanovsky. M.J. 2015. AtCBF1 overexpression confers tolerance to high light conditions at warm temperatures in potato plants. American Journal of Potato Research 92, 619-635
  • Crepy, M.A., Casal, J.J. 2015. Photoreceptor-mediated kin recognition in plants. New Phytologist 205, 329-338.
  • Krzymuski, M., Andrés, F., Cagnola, J. I., Jang, S., Yanovsky, M.J., Coupland, G., Casal, J.J. 2015. The dynamics of FLOWERING LOCUS T expression encodes long‐day information. Plant Journal 83, 952-961.
  • Crepy, M.A., Casal, J.J. 2016. Kin recognition by self‐referent phenotype matching in plants. New Phytologist 209, 15-16.
  • Casal, J.J. 2016. Seedling signalling: Ubiquitin ligases acting in tandem. Nature Plants 2, 16001.
  • Pacín, M., Semmoloni, M., Legris, M., Finlayson, S.A., Casal, J.J. 2016. Convergence of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENESIS 1 and PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR signalling during shade avoidance. New Phytologist 211, 967–979.
  • Lake, L., Li, Y., Casal, J.J., Sadras, V.O. 2016.Negative association between chickpea response to competition and crop yield: Phenotypic and genetic analysis. Field Crops Research 196, 409-41.
  • Legris, M., Klose, C., Burgie, E.S., Costigliolo, C., Neme, M., Hiltbrunner, A., Wigge, P.A., Schäfer, E., Vierstra, R.D., Casal, J.J. 2016. Phytochrome B integrates light and temperature signals in Arabidopsis. Science 354, 897-900.
  • Goyal, A., Karayekov, E., Costa Galvão, V., Casal, J.J., Fankhauser, C. 2016. Shade promotes phototropism through phytochrome B- controlled auxin production. Current Biology 26, 3280-3287.
  • Legris, M., Nieto, C., Sellaro, R., Prat, S., Casal, J.J. 2017. Perception and signalling of light and temperature cues in plants. The Plant Journal 90, 683–697.
  • Sellaro, R., Pacín, M., Casal, J.J. 2017. Meta-Analysis of the transcriptome reveals a core set of shade-avoidance genes in Arabidopsis. Photochemistry and Photobiology 93, 692-702.
  • López Pereira, M.,Sadras, V.O., Batista, W.,Casal, J.J., Hall, A.J. 2017. Light-mediated self organization of sunflower stands increases oil yield in the field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114, 7975-7980.
  • Iglesias, M. J. Sellaro, R., Zurbriggen, M. Casal, J.J. 2018. Multiple links between shade avoidance and auxin networks. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69, 213-228
  • Casal, J. J., Qüesta, J. I. 2018. Light and temperature cues: Multitasking receptors and transcriptional integrators. NewPhytologist 217, 1029–1034.
  • Cagnola, J.I., Dumont Chassart, G.J., Ibarra, S.E., Chimenti, C., Ricardi, M.M., Delzer, B., Ghiglione, H., Zhu, T., Otegui, M.A., Estevez, J.M., Casal, J.J. 2018. Reduced expression of selected FASCICLIN‐LIKE ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEIN genes associates with the abortion of kernels in field crops of Zea mays (maize) and of Arabidopsis seeds. Plant, Cell and Environment 41, 661–674.
  • Moriconi, V., Binkert, M., Costigliolo, C., Sellaro, R., Ulm, R., Casal, J.J. 2018. Perception of plant canopy gaps by the UV-B photoreceptor UVR8. Plant Physiology 177, 75-81.
  • Pucciariello, O., Legris, M., Costigliolo Rojas, C., Iglesias, M.J., Hernando, C.E., Dezar, C., Vazquez, M., Yanovsky, M.J., Finlayson, S.A., Prat, S., Casal, J.J. 2018. Rewiring of auxin signaling under persistent shade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Cagnola, J.I., Cerdan, P.D., Pacin, M., Andrade, A., Rodriguez, V., Zurbriggen, M.D., Legris, M., Buchovsky, S., Carrillo, N., Chory, J., Blazquez, M.A., Alabadi, D., Casal, J.J. 2018. Long-day photoperiod enhances jasmonic acid-related plant defense. Plant physiology 178,
  • Palatnik, J.F., Casal, J.J. 2018. Editorial overview: Cell signalling and gene regulation: Something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue. Current opinion in plant biology 45 (Pt A), 185
  • Luccioni, L., Krzymuski, M., Sánchez‐Lamas, M., Karayekov, E., Cerdán, P-D., Casal, J.J.2018. CONSTANS delays Arabidopsis flowering under short days. The Plant Journal 97, 923-932
  • Sellaro, R., Smith, R.W., Legris, M., Fleck, C., Casal, J.J. 2019.
  • Phytochrome B dynamics departs from photoequilibrium in the field. Plant, Cell & Environment 42, 606-617
  • Wies, G., Mantese, A.I., Casal, J.J., Maddonni, G.A. 2019.
  • Phytochrome B enhances plant growth, biomass and grain yield in field-grown maize. Annals of Botany 123, 1079-1088.
  • Casal, J.J., Balasubramanian, S. 2019. Thermomorphogenesis. Annual review of plant biology 70, 321-346.
  • D. Arico, M. Legris, L. Castro, C.F. Garcia, A. Laino, J.J. Casal, M.A. Mazzella. 2019. Neighbour signals perceived by phytochrome B increase thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment (en prensa).

Capítulos de libros

  • Casal, J.J. The photoreceptor interaction network. En: Photomorphogenesis in Plants and Bacteria: Function and Signal Transduction Mechanisms. Editado por E. Schafer y F. Nagy. Kluwer Academic Publishers (en prensa).
  • Casal, J.J. 2005. Convergence of phytochrome and cryptochrome signaling. En: Light Sensing in Plants. M.Wada, K.Shimazaki y M.Iino. Springer Verlag, Tokyo, Japan.

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