María Cecilia Rousseaux

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  • Ingeniera Agrónoma, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1991
  • Doctora, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1998


  • Profesor/a Adjunto, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
  • Investigador Principal CONICET

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Impacto de la temperatura sobre el crecimiento, uso del agua, fenología de olivo
  • Rendimiento de aceite y calidad de aceite de oliva
  • Riego deficitario en olivo

Cursos dictados en la EPG

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Tesis de pos-grado finalizadas: 6
  • Tesis de post-grado en marcha: 4

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Albarracín V, Hall A.J., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2017. Responses of vegetative growth and fruit yield to winter and summer mechanical pruning in olive trees. Scientia Horticulturae 225: 185-194.
  • Torres M., Pierantozzi P., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C., García-Inza G.P., Miserere A., Bodoira R., Contreras C., Maestri D. 2017. Olive cultivation in the southern hemisphere: flowering, water requirements and oil quality responses to new crop environments. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1830
  • Miserere A., Searles P.S., Garcia-Inza G.P., Rousseaux M.C. 2018. Elevated temperature affects vegetative growth and fruit oil concentration in olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Acta Horticulturae 1199, 523-528
  • García-Inza G.P., Hall A.J., Rousseaux M.C. 2018. Proportion of oleic acid in olive oil as influenced by the dimensions of the daily temperature oscillation. Scientia Horticulturae 227:305-312
  • Albarracín V, Hall A.J., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2018. Impact of mechanical pruning and wood age on new branch demography and return flowering in olive trees. Trees, structure and function 32: 1767-1777.
  • Albarracín V, Hall A.J., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2019. Responses of shoot growth, return flowering, and fruit yield to post-pruning practices and growth regulator application in olive trees. Scientia Horticulturae 254:163-171
  • Miserere A., Searles P.S Hall A.J., García-Inza G.P., Rousseaux M.C. 2019. Complementary active heating methods for evaluating the responses of young olive trees to warming. Scientia Horticulturae 257:108754
  • Miserere A., Searles P. S., Manchó G., Maseda P. H., Rousseaux M.C. 2019. Sap flow responses to warming and fruit load in young olive trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1199.
  • Rousseaux M.C., Cherbiy-Hoffmann S.U., Hall A.J., Searles P.S. 2020. Fatty acid composition of olive oil in response to fruit canopy position and artificial shading. Scientia Horticulturae, 271: 109477.
  • Agüero Alcarás L.M., Rousseaux M.C., Searles P.S. 2021. Yield and water productivity responses of olive trees (cv. Manzanilla) to post-harvest deficit irrigation in a non-Mediterranean climate. Agricultural Water Management 245: 106562
  • Miserere A., Rousseaux M.C., Ploschuk E. L., Brizuela M.M., Curcio M.H., Zabaleta R., Searles P.S. 2021. Effects of prolonged elevated temperature on leaf gas exchange and other leaf traits in young olive trees. Tree Physiology 41: 254–268
  • Ladux F.J., Trentacoste E., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2021. Light quality environment and photomorphological responses of young olive trees. Horticulturae 7: 369.
  • Hamze L.M., Miserere A., Molina M.S., Maestri D., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2022. Influence of environmental growth temperature on tocopherol and sterol contents in olive oils. Journal of the Science of Agricultural and Food Technology 102: 2741-2749.
  • Miserere A., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2022. Oil yield components and biomass production responses to warming during the oil accumulation phase in young olive trees. Scientia Horticulturae 291: 110618
  • Hamze L.M., Trentacoste E.R., Searles P.S., Rousseaux M.C. 2022. Spring reproductive and vegetative phenology of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars at different air temperatures along a latitudinal-altitudinal gradient in Argentina. Scientia Horticulturae 304: 111327

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