Thorsten Wiegand

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  • Diploma en física, 1990, Facultad de Física, Universidad de Marburgo, Alemania
  • Doctorado en física, 1992, Facultad de Física, Universidad de Marburgo, Alemania
  • Habilitation en ecología teórica, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, LMU Universidad de Munich, Alemania


  • Investigador principal (Senior Scientist) con dedicación exclusiva, Departamento de Ecología Teórica, UFZ-Centro para investigación ambiental Leipzig-Halle, Alemania. 1992 – presente
  • Editor de Landscale Ecology. 2006-.
  • Editor de Ecography. 2007-.

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Modelos ecológicos de simulación de base de individuo
  • Análisis de patrones de puntos.
  • Procesos y la dinámica espacio-temporal de ecosistemas semiáridos (Dinámica comunidades de arbustos, estepas y pastizales en Sudáfrica y en la Patagonia, Argentina).
  • Procesos y dinámica espacio-temporal de poblaciones de especies amenazadas (oso pardo y urogallo en el norte de España, Lince Ibérico en España, Lince Europeo en Alemania, Tigre en la India).
  • Efectos de fragmentación y perdida de hábitat sobre la dinámica de poblaciones.
  • Análisis espacial de patrones en bosques tropicales.

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Patrones espaciales en ecología. Modelos y análisis

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Cantidad total de tesis doctorales dirigidas: 9.
  • Cantidad actual de tesis doctorales dirigidas: 1.

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Wiegand, T., J. Naves and M. Garbulsky, and N. Fernandez. Animal habitat quality and ecosystem functioning: exploring seasonal patterns using NDVI. Ecology, in press
  • Wiegand, T., C.V.S. Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, and A. Huth. 2007. How single species increase local diversity in tropical forests. PNAS104:19029–19033.
  • Wiegand, T., C.V.S. Gunatilleke, and I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke. Species associations in a heterogeneous Sri Lankan Dipterocarp forest. The American Naturalist 170 E77–E95
  • Wiegand, T., C.V.S. Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, and T. Okuda. in press. Analyzing the spatial structure of a Sri Lankan tropical tree species with multiple scales of clustering. Ecology, in press
  • Watson, D.M., D. A. Roshier, and T. Wiegand. 2007. Spatial ecology of a parasitic shrub: patterns and predictions. Austral Ecology: 32: 359-369
  • Kramer-Schadt, S., E. Revilla, T. Wiegand, and V. Grimm. 2007. Patterns for parameters in simulation models. Ecological Modelling 204:553-556
  • Jacquemyn, H., R. Brys, K. Vandepitte, O. Honnay, I. Roldán-Ruiz and T. Wiegand. 2007. A spatially-explicit analysis of seedling recruitment in the terrestrial orchid Orchis purpurea. New Phytologist 176: 448–459
  • Giesselmann, U.C., T. Wiegand, J. Meyer, R. Brandl, and M. Vogel. in press. Spatial patterns in the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius). Austral Ecology.
  • Felinks, B. and T. Wiegand. in press. Analysis of spatial pattern in early stages of primary succession on former lignite mining sites. Journal of Vegetation Science.
  • Djossa, B.A., Fahr, J., Wiegand, T., Ayihouénou, B.E., Kalko, E.K.V., and B. A. Sinsin. in press. Land use impact on Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaerten. stand structure and distribution patterns: a comparison of Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari in Atacora district in Benin. Agroforestry Systems
  • Blanco, P.D., C. M. Rostagno, H. F. del Valle, A. M. Beeskow, and T. Wiegand. Effects of grazing in vegetated dunefields: a spatial analysis. Rangeland Ecology and Management, conditionally accepted
  • Aguayo, M. I., T. Wiegand, G. D. Azócar, K. Wiegand and C. E. Vega. 2007. Revealing the Driving Forces of Mid-Cities Urban Growth Patterns Using Spatial Modeling: a Case Study of Los Ángeles, Chile. Ecology and Society 12 (1): 13. [online] URL:
  • Wiegand, T., J. J. Camarero, N. Rüger, and E. Gutiérrez. 2006. Abrupt population changes in treeline ecotones along smooth gradients. Journal of Ecology 94: 880-892
  • Wiegand, T., Kissling, W.D., Cipriotti, P.A., and Aguiar, M.R. 2006. Extending point pattern analysis to objects of finite size and irregular shape. Journal of Ecology 94: 825-837
  • Wiegand, T. 2006. Ecological consequences of habitat loss from a population and landscape perspective. (Review of The shrinking world: ecological consequences of habitat loss, I. Hanski 2005). Conservation Biology 20: 590-592
  • Rhodes, J. R., T. Wiegand, C.A. McAlpine, H.P. Possingham, D. Lunney, J. Callaghan, and M. Bowen. Species Distribution Models and Conservation Planning in Semi-urban Landscapes. A Case Study for the Koala. 2006. Conservation Biology 20: 449-459
  • Getzin, S., C. Dean, F. He, T. Trofymow, K. Wiegand, and T. Wiegand. 2006 Spatial patterns and competition of tree species in a chronosequence of Douglas-fir forest on Vancouver Island. Ecography 29: 671-682
  • Wiegand T., E. Revilla, and K. A. Moloney. 2005. Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population dynamics. Conservation Biology 19:108-121.
  • Vezzani, D., A. Rubio, S.M. Velázquez, N. Schweigmann and T. Wiegand. 2005. Detailed assessment of microhabitat suitability for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Acta Tropica 95:123-131.
  • Riginos, C., S. J. Milton, and T. Wiegand. 2005. Context-dependent negative and positive interactions between adult shrubs and seedlings in a semi-arid shrubland. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:331-340.
  • Kramer-Schadt, S., E Revilla, and T. Wiegand. 2005. Lynx reintroductions in fragmented landscapes of Germany: projects with future or misunderstood wildlife conservation? Biological Conservation 125: 169-182
  • Grimm, V., E. Revilla, U. Berger, F. Jeltsch, W. Mooij, S. F. Railsback, H. Thulke, J. Weiner, T. Wiegand, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2005 Pattern-oriented modeling of agent-based complex Systems: lessons from ecology, Science 311:987-991
  • Revilla, E, T. Wiegand, F. Palomares, P. Ferreras, and M. Delibes. 2004 Modeling individual dispersal movement in real landscapes: the importance of structural realism. The American Naturalist 164: E-130-E153
  • Wiegand, T., H. A. Snyman, K. Kellner, and J.M. Paruelo. 2004. Do grasslands have a memory: modeling phytomass production of a semiarid South African grassland. Ecosystems 7:243-258.
  • Wiegand T., and K. A. Moloney 2004. Rings, circles and null-models for point pattern analysis in ecology. Oikos 104: 209-229.
  • Wiegand, T., E. Revilla, and F. Knauer. 2004. Reducing uncertainty in spatially explicit population models. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:53-78.
  • Wiegand, T., F. Knauer, P. Kaczensky, and J. Naves. 2004. Expansion of brown bears (Ursus arctos) into the eastern Alps: a spatially explicit population model. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:79-114.
  • Kramer-Schadt S., E. Revilla, T. Wiegand, U. Breitenmoser. 2004 Fragmented landscapes, road mortality and patch connectivity: modelling dispersal for the Eurasian lynx in Germany. Journal of Applied Ecology 41:711-723
  • Naves, J., T. Wiegand, E. Revilla, and M. Delibes. 2003. Endangered species balancing between natural and human constrains: the case of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in northern Spain. Conservation Biology 17:1276-1289.
  • Wiegand, T., F. Jeltsch, I. Hanski, and V. Grimm. 2003. Using pattern-oriented modeling for revealing hidden information: a key for reconciling ecological theory and application. Oikos 100: 209-222.

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