Jay L. Garland

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  • Ohio State University, B.S. Zoology 1983.
  • Virginia Tech, M.S. Biology (Aquatic Ecology) 1985.
  • University of Virginia, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences (Ecology) 1991

Premios y distinciones

  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for creative development of technical innovation (1999, 2002, 2003)
  • Arch T. Colwell Merit Award (1993) Presented to outstanding papers presented at Society for Mobility Engineering Meetings. Garland et al. (1993) paper was 1 of 12 selected from over 2300 papers published at SAE meetings.
  • Outstanding Presentation (1991) University of Virginia Environmental Sciences Research Forum
  • Fred H. Moore Research Fellowship (1991) University of Virginia Environmental Science Dept.
  • NASA Graduate Student Fellow (1988-1991)
  • NASA Certificate of Recognition for Technical Innovation (1988)


  • Courtesy Associate Professor, University of Florida Department of Soil and Water Science (2003-current)
  • Adjunct Faculty Member, University of Tennessee, Center for Environmental Biotechnology (1998-present) (current member of Ph.D advisory committee)
  • Adjunct Faculty Member, University of Delaware (1998-present) (current member of a Ph.D. advisory committee)
  • Adjunct Faculty Member, University of South Florida Biology Dept. (1995-1999) (past member of Ph.D. advisory committee)
  • Supervisor, CELSS Project, Dynamac Corporation. Kennedy Space Center, Florida. (January 1995 to present).
  • Lead, Microbial Ecologist, Dynamac Corporation. Kennedy Space Center, Florida (January 1995 to present).
  • Mentor for NASA Planetary Biology Internship Program (1991-1995, 2002, 2003, 2004)

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Microbial Ecology.
  • Bacterial dynamics in hydroponic systems.
  • Plant-microbe interactions

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Ecología microbiana (director)

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

Artículos en revistas con referato

  • Sharvelle, S. J.L Garland, and M. K. Banks. Biodegradation of Polyalcohol Ethoxylate by a Wastewater Microbial Consortium. Biodegradation (in press)
  • Garland, J.L. 2007. Microbial functions in space: Mars transit to early planetary base exploration missions. Acta Actronautica 60:518-524
  • Cook, K.L., J.L. Garland, A.C. Layton, H.M. Dionisi, L.F. Levine, and G.S. Saylor. 2006 Effect of Structural Diversity on System Stability and Processes in a Model Rhizosphere-Based Wastewater Processing System. Microbial Ecology 52:725-737
  • B. Tansel, J. Sager, J. Garland, S. Xu, L. Levine, and P. Bisbee. 2006. Deposition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and microtopographical changes on membrane surfacxes during intermittent filtration conditions. Journal of Membrane Science 285:225-231
  • Birmele, M., M. Roberts, and J. Garland 2006. Characterization of methods for determining sterilization efficacy and reuse efficiency of oxygen biosensor multiwell plates. J. Microbiological Methods. 67:619-623
  • Rector, T.J., J.L. Garland, and S.O. Starr. 2006. Dispersion characteristics of a rotating hollow fiber membrane bioreactor: Effects of module packing density and rotational frequency. Journal of Membrane Science 278:144-150
  • Ripp, S. P. Jegier, M. Birmele, M., C.M.Johnson, K.A. Daumer, A. Fraley, J.L. Garland, and G. S. Sayler. 2006. Linking bacteriophage infection to quorum sensing signaling and bioluminescent bioreporter monitoring for direct detection of bacterial agents. J. Applied Microbiology 100:488-499
  • Vega, E., J. Smith, J. Garland, A. Martos, and S.D. Pillai. 2005. Variability of virus attachment patterns to buterhead lettuce. J. Food Protection 68:2112-2117
  • Matos, A. L. Kerkhof, and J.L. Garland. 2005. Effects of microbial community diversity on the survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the wheat rhizosphere. Microbial Ecology 49:257-264
  • Väisänen, R.K., M.S. Roberts, J.L. Garland, S.D. Frey, and L.A. Dawson. 2005. Physiological and molecular characterization of microbial communities associated with different water-stable aggregate size fractions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37:2007-2016
  • Tansell, B., J. Sager, J. Garland, R.F. Strayer, L. Levine, M. Roberts, M. Hummerick, and J. Bauer. 2005. Integrated evaluation of a sequential membrane filtration system for recovery of bioreactor effluent during long space missions. Journal of Membrane Science 255:117-124.
  • Garland, J.L., T. Rector, and M. Anderson. 2005. The Effects of Alternative Biological Primary Processing Approaches on the Efficiency of an Integrated Water Processing System. SAE Paper # 2005-ICES-160
  • Levine, L.H., J. L. Garland and J. V. Johnson. 2005. Simultaneous quantification of poly-dispersed anionic, amphoteric and nonionic surfactants in waste water samples using C18-HPLC-quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 1062:217-225
  • Matos, A., and J.L. Garland. 2005. The Effects of Community versus Single Strain Inoculants on the Biocontrol of Salmonella and Microbial Community Dynamics in Alfalfa Sprouts. Journal of Food Protection 68:40-48
  • Gomez, E., J.L. Garland, and M.S. Roberts. 2004. Microbial structural diversity estimated by dilution-extinction of phenotypic traits along a land-use intensification gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 49:253-259
  • Blum, L., M.S. Roberts, J.L. Garland, and A.L. Mills. 2004. Distribution of microbial communities associated with the dominant high marsh plant and sediments of the United States East Coast. Microbial Ecology 48:375-388
  • Rector, T., J. Garland, R. Strayer, M. Hummerick, M. Robert and L. Levine. Design and preliminary evaluation of a novel gravity independent rotating biological membrane reactor. 2004 34th ICES. SAE paper # 2004-01-2463
  • Roberts, M.S, J.L. Garland, and A.L. Mills. 2004. Microbial Astronauts: Assembling Microbial Communities for Advanced Life Support Systems. Microbial Ecology 4:137-149
  • Gomez E. , J.L. Garland and M. Conti. 2004. Reproducibility in the response of soil bacterial community-level physiological profiles from a land use intensification gradient. Applied Soil Ecology 26:21-30
  • Garland, J.L., L. H. Levine, N. C. Yorio, and M.E. Hummerick 2004. Response of Graywater Recycling Systems Based on Hydroponic Plant Growth to Three Classes of Surfactants Water Research 38:1952-1962
  • Ripp, S., K. A. Daumer, T. McKnight, L. H. Levine, J. L. Garland, M. L. Simpson, and G. S. Sayler. 2003. Bioluminescent bioreporter integrated circuit sensing of microbial volatile organic compounds. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 30(11): 636-642.
  • Garland, J.L. M. S. Roberts, L.H.Levine, and A. L. Mills. 2003. Community-Level Physiological Profiling Using an Oxygen-Sensitive Fluorophore in a Microtiter Plate. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 69:2994-2998
  • Matos, A., J.L. Garland, and W. Fett. 2002. Composition and physiological profiling of sprout-associated microbial communities. Journal of Food Protection 65:1903-1908
  • Klamer, M., M.S. Roberts, L.H. Levine, B.G. Drake, and J.L. Garland. 2002. Influence of elevated CO2 on the fungal community in a coastal scrub oak forest soil investigated with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 68:4370-4376
  • Strayer, R.F., B.W. Finger, M.P. Alazraki, K. Cook, and J.L. Garland. 2002. Recovery of resources for advanced life support applications: effect of retention time on biodegradation of two crop residues in fed-batch, continuous stirred tank reactor. Bioresource Technology 84:119-127
  • Garland, J.L., M.P. Hummerick, L.H. Levine, and V. Krumins. 2002. The effect of microbial growth on feed stability and delivery in a denitrifying fixed bed reactor designed for space flight to recycle graywater. SAE Technical Paper 02-01-2354
  • Garland, J.L. and L.H. Levine. 2002. Cleansing agents for human hygiene in space travel: considerations for biological processing of water. SAE Technical Paper 02-01-2352.
  • Kish, A.L., M.P. Hummerick, M.S. Roberts, J.L. Garland, S. Maxwell, and A.L. Mills 2002. Biostability and microbiology of shuttle crew refuse. SAE Technical Paper 02-01-2356.
  • Levine, L.H., J.L. Garland, and J.V. Johnson. 2002. HPLC/ESI-Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry for Characterization and Direct Quantification of Amphoteric and Nonionic Surfactants in Aqueous Samples Analytical Chemistry 74: 2064-2071
  • O’Connell, S.P. and J.L. Garland. 2002 Dissimilar response of microbial communities in Biolog GN and GN2 plates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:413-416.

Capítulos de libro

  • Garland, J.L., C.D. Campbell, and A.L. Mills/ 2007 Physiological Profiling of Microbial Communities. ASM Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 3rd Ed., ASM Press, Washington, D.C. pp126-138.
  • Garland, J.L. and S. O’Connell.2007 Overview: General Methodology, ASM Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 3rd Ed., ASM Press, Washington, D.C. pp 37-39.

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