Raúl S. Lavado

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  • Ingeniero Agrónomo, 1968, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Diplomado en Edafología y Biología Vegetal. 1971. Universidad de Granada. España.


  • Profesor Titular Plenario (2003) por concurso (dedicación exclusiva) Cátedra Fertilidad y Fertilizantes, 1995-presente.
  • Investigador Principal del CONICET. 1998-presente.

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Fertilidad de Suelos y Uso de Fertilizantes,
  • Sustentabilidad de la producción agropecuaria,
  • Contaminación, Uso de residuos en los suelos.

Cursos dictados en la EPG

  • Flujos y manejo de contaminantes en agrosistemas (director).
  • Valorización agrícola de residuos: biosólidos, estiércoles, residuos domiciliarios y residuos agroindustriales (director).
  • Procesos físicos de la degradación de suelos (co-director).
  • Fertilidad y uso de fertizantes (colaborador).
  • Relación suelo-planta (colaborador).

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Cantidad total de tesis doctorales o de maestrías dirigidas: 10.
  • Cantidad de tesis doctorales o de maestrías que dirige actualmente: 7.

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Torri, S. I. y Lavado, R.S. 2007. “Transformations of Cd, Cu and Pb added to soil through different kinds of sewage sludge”. Waste Management.
  • Zubillaga M.S.and R.S. Lavado. 2006. Phytotoxicity of biosolid compost of different maturity degree compared with biosolids and animal manures. Compost Sci. and Utilization. 14 (4): 267-270.
  • Lavado, R.S. 2006. Efects of sewage sludge application on soils and sunflower yield: quality and toxic element accumulation. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 975-984.
  • Marchese, Di Benedetto, A., Lavado, R.S. 2006.The possibilities of river waste and Argentinean peat as a plug growing media for Verbena x hybrida. International Journal of Agricultural Research 1(2) 142-150.
  • Lavado R.S., M. Rodríguez, R. Alvarez, M.A. Taboada y M.S. Zubillaga. 2006. Transfer of potentially toxic elements from biosolid-treated soils to maize and wheat crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 118: 312-318.
  • Lavado, R.S. 2006. Concentration of Potentially Toxic Elements in field crops grown near or far from cities of the Pampas (Argentina) Journal of Environmental Management. 80: 116-119.
  • Delgado, JA; Shaffer, M; Hu, CGS; Lavado, RS; Wong, JC; Joosse, P; Li, XX; Rimski-Korsakov, H; Follett, R; Colon, W; Sotomayor, D. 2006. A decade of change in nutrient management: A new nitrogen index. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 61 (2): 62-75
  • Lavado, R.S., M. B. Rodríguez and M. A. Taboada. 2005. Treatment with biosolids affects soil availability and plant uptake of potentially toxic elements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 109: 360-364
  • Zubillaga, MS, H Rimski-Korsakov, G Travería and RS Lavado. 2005. Ammonia volatilization from different organic amendments during storage and after land application. Agrochimica. 49 (5-6) 169-174
  • Rodríguez, M.B. and R.S. Lavado. 2004. Uptake and distribution of trace elements by soybean from a physically degraded soil treated with biosolids. Agrochimica. 48: (1-2): 1-10.
  • Lavado, R.S., M.S. Zubillaga, R. Alvarez and M.A. Taboada.2004. Baseline levels of potentially toxic elements in pampas soils. Soil & Sediment Contamination: an International Journal, 13 (5) : 329-339.
  • Urricariet, S.; R.S. Lavado y L. Martín. 2004. Corn Response to Fertilization and SR, DRIS and PASS Interpretation of Leaf and Grain Analysis. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35 (3-4) 413-425.
  • Rimski-Korsakov, H., G. Rubio and R.S. Lavado. 2004. Potential losses of nitrate by leaching in soils of the Pampas Argentina. Agricultural Water management 65: 83-94.
  • Gutiérrez-Boem, F.H., J.D. Scheiner, H. Rimski-Korsakov and R.S. Lavado. 2004. Late season nitrogen fertilization of soybeans: effects on leaf senescence, yield and environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 68:109-115.
  • Torri, S., R. Alvarez, R. Lavado. 2003. Mineralization of carbon from Sewage Sludge in three soils of the Argentine pampas. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis. 34: 2035-2043.
  • Zubillaga M.S. and R.S. Lavado. 2003. Stability Indexes of Sewage Sludge Compost Obtained with Different Proportion of a Bulking Agent. Comm. Soil Sci. And Plant Analysis 34: 581-591.
  • Rodríguez, M.B.; L. Maggi; M. Etchepareborda, M.A. Taboada y R.S. Lavado. 2003. Nitrogen availability for maize from a Rolling Pampa soil after addition of biosolids. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26: 431-441.
  • Zubillaga M.S. y R.S. Lavado. 2002. Heavy metal content in lettuce plants grown in biosolids compost. 2001. Compost Science & Utilization 10 (4): 363-367
  • Zubillaga, M.S., M.M. Zubillaga, S. Urricariet, R.S. Lavado. 2002. Effect of nitrogen sources on ammonia volatilization, grain yield and soil nitrogen losses in no-till wheat in an Argentine soil. Agrochimica, 46 (3-4): 100-107
  • Zubillaga, M.M., J. P. Aristi and R.S. Lavado. 2002. Effect of P and N Fertilization on Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) Nitrogen Uptake and Yield. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 188: 267-274.
  • Scheiner, J.D., F.H. Gutierrez Boem & R.S. Lavado. 2002. Sunflower nitrogen requirement and 15N fertilizer recovery in Western Pampas, Argentina. European Journal of Agronomy 17 (1): 73-79.
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      Morfología y clasificación de suelos

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      Introducción a la Geoestadística

©2018-2020 Escuela para Graduados "Ing. Agr. Alberto Soriano". Facultad de Agronomía (UBA). Av. San Martín 4453, (C1417DSE)Bs. Aires, Argentina. Tel.: (+54)-11-5287-0174 / epg@agro.uba.ar / Redes sociales: @epg_fauba
