Flavio H. Gutiérrez Boem

Enviar mail a Flavio Gutiérrez Boem


  • Ingeniero Agrónomo, 1990, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA, Argentina
  • Magister Scientiae en Ciencias del Suelo, 1995, Escuela para Graduados, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA, Argentina
  • Doctor of Philosophy, 1998, Soil Science Program, The Graduate School, University of Kentucky, EE.UU.


  • Profesor Asociado, dedicación exclusiva, Cátedra de Fertilidad y Fertilizantes, Facultad de Agronomía, U.B.A.
  • Investigador Independiente, INBACONICET

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Fertilidad de suelos y fertilización de cultivos de granos

Cursos dictados en la EPG

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

  • Salvagiotti, F., P. Prystupa, G.N. Ferraris, L. Couretot, L. Magnano, D, Dignani & H. Gutiérrez Boem. 2017. N:P:S stoichiometry in grains and physiological attributes associated with grain yield in maize as affected by phosphorus and sulfur nutrition. Field Crops Research, 203: 128-138.
  • Correndo, A.A., F. Salvagiotti, F.O. García & H. Gutiérrez Boem. 2017. A modification of the arcsine-log calibration curve for analysing soil test value – relative yield relationships. Crop & Pasture Science, 68: 297-304.
  • Criado, M. V., I.N. Roberts, C.G. Veliz, M. Echeverria, H. Gutiérrez Boem, & C. Caputo. 2018. Phloem transport of assimilates in relation to flowering time and senescence in barley grown with different availabilities of nitrogen and phosphorus. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64: 492-504.
  • Simonetti, E., I.N. Roberts, M.S. Montecchia, H. Gutierrez Boem, F.M. Gomez, & J.A. Ruiz. 2018. A novel Burkholderia ambifaria strain able to degrade the mycotoxin fusaric acid and to inhibit Fusarium spp. growth. Microbiological Research, 206: 50-59.
  • Sucunza, F.A., H. Gutierrez Boem, F.O. Garcia, M. Boxler & G. Rubio. 2018. Long-term phosphorus fertilization of wheat, soybean and maize on Mollisols: Soil-test trends, critical levels and balances. European Journal of Agronomy, 96: 87-95.
  • Prystupa, P., G. Ferraris, L. Ventimiglia, T. Loewy, L. Couretot, R. Bergh, F. Gómez & H. Gutierrez Boem. 2018. Environmental control of malting barley response to nitrogen in the Pampas, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Production, 12: 127-137. ISSN: 1735-8043.
  • Arias Usandivaras, L.M., H. Gutierrez Boem & F. Salvagiotti. 2018. Contrasting effects of phosphorus and potassium deficiencies on leaf area development in maize. Crop Science, 58: 2099-2109.
  • Prystupa, P., A. Peton, E. Pagano & H. Gutierrez Boem. 2019. Sulphur fertilization of barley crops improves malt extract and fermentability. Journal of Cereal Science, 85: 228-235.
  • Galotta, M.F., P. Pugliese, H.Gutiérrez-Boem, C.G.Veliz, M.V. Criado, C. Caputo, M. Echeverria & I.N. Roberts. 2019. Subtilase activity and gene expression during germination and seedling growth in barley. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 139: 197-206.
  • Appelhans, S., Barbagelata, R. Melchiori, F.H. Gutierrez Boem. 2020. Assessing soil P fractions changes with long-term phosphorus fertilization related to crop yield of soybean and maize. Soil Use and Management, 36: 524-535.
  • Vega Jara, L., H. Gutierrez Boem, G. Rubio. 2020. Long-term fertilization does not affect soil C:N:S or labile/non-labile ratios in Mollisols. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84: 798-810.
  • Appelhans, S.C., W.D. Carciochi, A. Correndo, H. Gutiérrez Boem, F. Salvagiotti, F.O. Garcia, R.J.M. Melchiori, P.A. Barbagelata, L.A. Ventimiglia, G.N. Ferraris, H.S. Vivas, O.P. Caviglia & I.A. Ciampitti. 2021. Predicting soil test phosphorus decrease in non-P-fertilized conditions. European Journal of Soil Science, 72: 254-264.
  • Appelhans, S.C., P.A. Barbagelata, R.J.M. Melchiori, H. Gutierrez Boem & O. Caviglia. 2021. Is the Lack of Response of Maize to Fertilization in Soils with Low Bray1-P Related to Labile Organic Phosphorus? Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21: 612-621.
  • Gómez, F.M., P. Prystupa, J.J. Boero & H. Gutierrez Boem. 2021. Sulfur partitioning and grain concentration differed from that for nitrogen in malting barley. Field Crops Research, 263: doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2020.108053
  • Prystupa, P., A. Peton, E. Pagano, G.N. Ferraris, L. Ventimiglia, T. Loewy, M. Gómez; F.H. Gutierrez-Boem. 2021. Grain hordein content and malt quality as affected by foliar nitrogen fertilisation at heading. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 127: 224-231.
  • Appelhans, S.C., L.E. Novelli, R.J.M. Melchiori, H. Gutierrez Boem & O. Caviglia. 2021. Crops sequence and P fertilization effects on soil P fractions under no-tillage. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 120: 275-288.
  • Correndo, A. A.; Gutiérrez Boem, F. H.; García, F. O.; Alvarez, C.; Álvarez, C.; Angeli, A.; Barbieri, P.; Barraco, M.; Berardo, A.; Boxler, M.; Calviño, P.; Capurro, J. E.; Carta, H.; Caviglia, O.; Ciampitti, I. A.; Díaz-Zorita, M.; Díaz-Valdéz, S.; Echeverría, H. E.; Espósito, G.; Ferrari, M.; Ferraris, G. N.; Gambaudo, S.; Gudelj, V.; Ioele, J. P.; Melchiori, R. J.; Molino, J.; Orcellet, J. M.; Pagani, A.; Pautasso, J. M.; Calvo, N. I. R.; Redel, M.; Rillo, S.; Rimski-Korsakov, H.; Sainz-Rozas, H. R.; Saks, M.; Tellería, M. G.; Ventimiglia, L.; Zorzín, J. L.; Zubillaga, M. M. & Salvagiotti, F. 2021. Attainable yield and soil texture as drivers of maize response to nitrogen: A synthesis analysis for Argentina. Field Crops Research, 273. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108299.
  • Próximas defensas

  • Cursos en breve

    • 12/09/2024

      Morfología y clasificación de suelos

    • 12/09/2024

      Introducción a la Geoestadística

    • 11/09/2024

      Ecología de la simbiosis entre plantas y microorganismos

    • 11/09/2024

      Control integrado de enfermedades de las plantas

    • 09/09/2024

      Química de los sedimentos acuáticos

©2018-2020 Escuela para Graduados "Ing. Agr. Alberto Soriano". Facultad de Agronomía (UBA). Av. San Martín 4453, (C1417DSE)Bs. Aires, Argentina. Tel.: (+54)-11-5287-0174 / epg@agro.uba.ar / Redes sociales: @epg_fauba
