Roxana Savin

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  • Ingeniera Agrónoma, orientación Producción Agropecuaria, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA, Mayo 1988.
  • M. Sc., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Agosto 1993. Orientación: Producción Vegetal
  • Ph. D., University of Melbourne, Australia, Febrero 1996.

Cargos actuales

  • Profesora Catedrática, Universidad de Lleida, desde Julio 2017
  • Tecnical Editor de la Revista Crop Science, desde enero 2022

Cargos previos

  • Associate Editor de la Revista Crop Science, desde enero 2016-diciembre 2021
  • Co-Editor in-Chief Field Crops Research desde enero 2018-diciembre 2020
  • Associate Editor Field Crops Research durante el año 2021
  • Adjunta en el área de Agricultura de la AEI (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Español) desde 26/01/2017 hasta 30/4/2018.
  • Adjunta en el área de Agricultura de la ANEP (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Español) desde 1/01/2014 hasta 25/1/2017.
  • Investigadora Ramón y Cajal en el Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Universidad de Lleida, España desde 1/04/03 hasta 8/09/05.
  • Profesora Adjunta dedicación exclusiva, en la Cátedra de Cerealicultura, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA desde el 15/6/99 hasta 31/03/2003.
  • Investigadora Adjunta, CONICET desde 1/11/01 hasta 6/05/05

Áreas de interés en investigación

  • Bases fisiológicas del rendimiento y calidad de cultivos extensivos
  • Estreses abióticos sobre el rendimiento y calidad de cultivos
  • Nitrógeno y eficiencia del uso de N

Cursos dictados en la EPG

Formación de recursos humanos

  • Tesis de pos-grado finalizadas (España y Argentina): 13 Doctorados, 8 Masters
  • Tesis de post-grado en marcha (España): 2 Doctorados

Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)

Web of Science Researcher ID C-7646-2011
Orcid code 0000-0002-4811-5021
H-index=31 (Web of Science-Core Collection), Agosto 2021

83 papers en revistas SCI, 26 capítulos de libros, 2 libros y 3 enciclopedias editados

En revistas científicas indexadas

  • Elazab, A., Ordóñez, R.A., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., Araus, J.L., 2016. Detecting interactive effects of N fertilization and heat stress on maize productivity by remote sensing techniques. European Journal of Agronomy 73: 11-24.
  • Elia, M., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2016. Fruiting efficiency in wheat: physiological aspects and genetic variation among modern cultivars. Field Crops Research 191: 83-90.
  • Mayer, L., Savin, R., Maddonni, G.A., 2016. Heat stress during grain filling modifies kernel protein composition in field-grown maize. Crop Science 56: 1890-1903.
  • Zanga, D., Capell, T., Slafer, G.A., Christou, P., Savin, R., 2016. A carotenogenic mini-pathway introduced into white corn does not affect development or agronomic performance. Sci Report 6, Article number: 38288 doi:10.1038/srep38288.
  • Ferrante, A., Cartelle, J., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2017. Yield determination, interplay between major components and yield stability in a traditional and a contemporary wheat across a wide range of environments. Field Crops Research 203: 114-127.
  • Ochagavía, H., Prieto, P., Savin, R., Griffiths, S., Slafer G.A., 2017. Duration of developmental phases, and dynamics of leaf appearance and tillering, as affected by source and doses of photoperiod insensitivity alleles in wheat under field conditions. Field Crops Research 214: 45-55.
  • Elía, M., Slafer, G.A., Savin, R., 2018. Yield and grain weight responses to post-anthesis increases in maximum temperature under field grown wheat as modified by nitrogen supply. Field Crops Research 221: 228-37.
  • Ochagavía, H., Prieto, P., Savin, R., Griffiths, S., Slafer G.A., 2018. Dynamics of leaf and spikelet primordia initiation in wheat as affected by Ppd-1a alleles under field conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 2621-2631.
  • Prieto, P., Ochagavía, H., Savin, R., Griffiths, S., Slafer G.A., 2018. Dynamics of floret initiation/death determining spike fertility in wheat as affected by Ppd genes under field conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 2633-2645.
  • Ordóñez, R.A. Savin, R., Cossani, C.M., Slafer, G.A., 2018. Maize grain weight sensitivity to source-sink manipulations under a wide range of field conditions. Crop Science 58:2613-2622.
  • Ochagavía, H., Prieto, P., Savin, R., Griffiths, S., Slafer G.A., 2018. Earliness per se effects on developmental traits in hexaploid wheat grown under field conditions European Journal of Agronomy 99: 214-223.
  • Prieto, P., Ochagavía, H., Savin, R., Griffiths, S., Slafer G.A., 2018. Physiological determinants of fertile floret survival in wheat as affected by earliness per se genes under field conditions. European Journal of Agronomy 99: 206-213.
  • Slafer G.A., Savin, R., 2018. Can N management affect the magnitude of yield loss due to heat waves in wheat and maize? Current Opinion in Plant Biology 45:276-283.
  • García, A., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2019. Fruiting efficiency differences between cereal species. Field Crops Research 231:68-80.
  • Savin, R., Sadras, V.O., Slafer G.A., 2019. Benchmarking nitrogen utilisation efficiency in wheat for Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean European regions. Field Crops Research 241: Article 107573.
  • Marín-Sanz, M., Gimenez, M.J., Barro, F., Savin, R., 2020. Prolamin content and grain weight in RNAi silenced wheat lines under different conditions of temperature and nitrogen availability. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: Article 314.
  • Sanchez-Bragado, R., Kim, J.W., Rivera-Amado, C, Molero, G., Araus, J.L., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A, 2020. Are awns truly relevant for wheat yields? A study of performance of awned/awnless isogenic lines and their response to source-sink manipulations. Field Crops Research 254: 107827.
  • Ferrante, A., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2020. Floret development and spike fertility in wheat: differences between cultivars of contrasting yield potential and their sensitivity to photoperiod and soil N. Field Crops Research 256: 107908.
  • Abeledo, L.G., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2020. Maize senescence under contrasting source-sink ratios during the grain filling period. Environmental and Experimental Botany 180: 104263.
  • Slafer G.A., Savin, R., 2020. Should the impact factor of the year of publication or the last available one be used when evaluating scientists? Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 18, Issue 3: eM01.
  • Basavaraddi, P., Savin, R., Sukumaran, S., Reynolds, M.P., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Genotypic differences in wheat yield determinants within a NAM population based on elite parents. European Journal of Agronomy 123: 126223.
  • Kim, J., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Weight of individual wheat grains estimated from high-throughput digital images of grain area. European Journal of Agronomy 124: 126237.
  • Basavaraddi, P., Savin, R., Wingen, L.U., Bencivenga, S., Przewieslik-Allen, A.M., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Interactions between two QTLs for time to anthesis on spike development and fertility in wheat. Scientific Reports 11: Article 2451.
  • Basavaraddi, P., Savin, R., Bencivenga, S., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Wheat developmental traits as affected by the interaction between Eps-7D and temperature under contrasting photoperiods with insensitive Ppd-D1. Plants 10: 547.
  • Basavaraddi, P., Savin, R., Bencivenga, S., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Phenology and floret development as affected by the interaction between Eps-7D and Ppd-D1. Plants 10: 533.
  • Ochagavía, H., Prieto, P., Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., 2021. Developmental patterns and rates of organogenesis across modern and well-adapted wheat cultivars. European Journal of Agronomy 126: 126280.
  • Martínez-Subirà, M., Moralejo, M., Puig, E., Romero, MP., Savin, R., Romagosa, I., 2021. Impact of rising temperature in the deposition patterns of bioactive compounds in field grown food barley grains. Plants 10: 598.
  • Martínez-Subirà, M., Romero, MP., Moralejo, M., Puig, E., Macià, A., Savin, R., Romagosa, I., 2021. Differential accumulation of bioactive compounds as a result to post-anthesis thermal stress in field-grown barley. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101: 6496-6504.
  • Kim, J., Slafer, G.A., Savin, R., 2021. Are portable polyethylene tents reliable for imposing heat treatments in field-grown wheat?. Field Crops Research 271: 108206.
  • Rotasperti, L., Tadini, L., Chiara, M., Crosatti, C., Guerra, D., Tagliani, A., Forlani, S., Ezquer, I., Horner, D.S., Jans, P., Gajek, K., García, A., Savin, R., Rossini, L., Tondelli, A., Janiak, A., Pesaresi, P., 2022. The barley mutant happy under the sun 1 (hus1): a further step towards a new generation of pale green crops. Environmental and Experimental Botany 196: 104795.
  • Savin R., Cossani C.M., Dahan R., Ayad J.Y., Albrizio R., Todorovic M., Karrou M., Slafer, G.A., 2022. Intensifying cereal management in dryland Mediterranean agriculture: Rainfed wheat and barley responses to N-fertilisation. European Journal of Agronomy 137: 126518.


  • Sustainable Food Production: Selected entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, 2013. Editors P. Christou, R. Savin, B.A. Costa-Pierce, I. Miztal & B.A. Whitelaw, Editorial Springer ISBN 978-1-4614-5796-1. 3 Volumes
  • Crop Science, 2019 Editors R. Savin & Gustavo A. Slafer, Editorial Springer ISBN (in press)

Capítulos de libros

  • Stone, P.J. &Savin, R., 1999. Grain quality and its physiological
    determinants. En: Wheat: Ecology and physiology of yield determination. Editors: E.H. Satorre& G.A. Slafer, Food Product Press, New York, USA, pp. 85-120.
  • Savin, R.& Molina-Cano, J.L., 2002. Changes in malting quality and its determinants in response to abiotic stresses. En: Barley Science. Recent advances from molecular biology to agronomy of yield and quality. Editors: G.A. Slafer, J.L. Molina-Cano, R. Savin, J.L. 6 Araus& I. Romagosa, Food Product Press, New York, USA, pp. 523- 550.
  • Savin, R., Passarella, V.S & Molina-Cano, J.L., 2004. The malting
    quality of barley. In: Handbook of Seed Physiology. Editors: R. Benech-Arnold & R. Sanchez, Food Product Press, New York, USA, pp. 429-456.
  • Savin, R.,Slafer, G.A. &Albrizio, R. (2012). Barley. In: Crop yield
    response to water, P.Steduto, T.C. Hsiao, E. Fereres and D. Raes (eds). Irrigation and Drainage Paper N. 66. FAO, Rome, pp. 134-141. ISBN 978-92-5-107274-5.
  • Savin, R.,Cossani, M.C., Abeledo, L.G., Slafer, G:A. (2013) Estabilidad del rendimiento de trigo y cebada en una zona mediterránea y uso de la fertilización nitrogenada para mitigar el estrés hídrico. En: Sistemas de Producción de Trigo y Cebada: Herramientas ecofisiológicas para optimizar el rendimiento, la calidad y el uso de los recursos. Editores: S. Valle, C. Lixzana& D.F. Calderini. ISBN 978-956-351-741-5.
  • Rondanini, D.P., Borrás, L. &Savin, R.(2019). Improving grain quality in oil and cereal crops. In: Crop Science: A volume in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Editors R. Savin, G.A. Slafer. Editorial Springer, ISBN 978-1-4939-8620-0, pp. 269-285.
  • Savin, R., Slafer, G.A., Cossani, M.C., Abeledo, L.G., Sadras, V.O. (2015). Cereal yield in Mediterranean-type environments: challenging the paradigms on terminal drought, the adaptability of barley vs wheat and the role of nitrogen fertilization. En: Victor O. Sadras and Daniel Calderini, editors: Crop Physiology, applications for genetic improvement and agronomy, Oxford: Academic Press, p. 141-158. ISBN:978-0-12-417104-6.
  • Slafer; G.A., Savin, R., Pinochet, D., Calderini, D.F. (2021). Wheat. In Crop Physiology: Wheat. In Crop Physiology: Case histories for major crops. Editors: Victor O. Sadras and Daniel Calderini. Academic Press, pp. 99-163. ISBN 978-0-12-819194-1.
  • Miralles, D.J., Abeledo, L.G., Alvarez Prado, S., Chenu, K., Serrago, R.A., Savin, R.(2021). Barley. Crop Physiology: Case histories for major crops. Editors: Victor O. Sadras and Daniel Calderini. Academic Press, pp. 165-195. ISBN 978-0-12-819194-1.
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©2018-2020 Escuela para Graduados "Ing. Agr. Alberto Soriano". Facultad de Agronomía (UBA). Av. San Martín 4453, (C1417DSE)Bs. Aires, Argentina. Tel.: (+54)-11-5287-0174 / / Redes sociales: @epg_fauba
